The usual procedure of my TV Wall mount installation:
*** Step 1, Learning the requirements of my customer, finding out if he/she has any special requirements.
*** Step 2, Checking the area of the wall where would be used to install the TV. With the professional instruments and experiences, try to find out objects under the GIB Plasterboard, and discriminate the wood studs from wires water pipelines, etc. Locate the points where the wires and pipeline pass through the wood studs. Then find out the center of the wood studs and nogs, avoid the wires and pipeline. This step is very critical to ensure secure installation and safety, and this is also the most difficult part of whole job. Different installer have different instruments and experience, and takes different time and effort in this part. These also produce different price and quotation, different results.

*** Step 3, Base on the requirements of the customer, the results of wall examination and your television, I will give you a solution that fit you most. I have more than fifteen different types of TV Wall mounts, that why I can provide you the best solution.
*** Step 4, Install the specific TV wall mount in the selected area, then install the TV on it, this is the last step and is also the easiest part of whole work.

Written by FRANK GAO — February 09, 2021